Porterfield Glen Helen RallyCross Championship #5 & #6 October 2013 – Pictures

Two days of RallyCross?! Count me in! The October Glen Helen RallyX had two race days as opposed to having one practice day and one race day. The course was much longer than any other championship this year. The gully was utilized where control is usually setup. High speed areas…
Video: Glen Helen Rallycross #4 Championship – Fastest Lap
Porterfield Glen Helen Rallycross Championship #4 September 8, 2013

What else is better than NFL Sunday? Getting your WheelsDirty! September 8th marks the first (and last) RallyX race for Summer 2013. The course was ran counter clockwise which made the course slightly slower than usual. The track held up really well with very minimal rutting. Thanks to JayCom Services…
Porterfield Glen Helen RallyX #4 Practice

The sun was shining, the dirt flying, and the cars roaring. The RallyX summer break is officially over! It has been nearly 3 months since the last rallycross which was the South Pacific National Challenge. Beating the summer heat was a good idea but it was still a hot day. Temperatures…
X-Games: Global Rally Cross 2013 – Irwindale Speedway Los Angeles, CA

What a race!!! X-Games threw down yet another awesome Global Rally Cross event here in Los Angeles for its final year. This is technically my first ever ‘professional’ motorsports racing event that I have ever been to and I enjoyed every bit of it. The sounds that these cars make…